"THE FLOATER" - (Short Film)
You may have seen this guy creeping around a few of my videos as of recent. Well it's time to formally introduce you to SPECIAL AGENT RICK PASKINS. Rick is a "floater" D.E.A. C.I.A. A.T.F. D.O.D. D.O.DOESN'TFUCKIN MATTER. Rick Paskins goes where the real bosses need him to. There's not a body buried that Rick doesn't know about. Rick Paskins has dirt, the low down skinny and the whole worlds address. Rick puts the ILL in ILLUMANAUGHTY. Rick is the long dick of the Deep State when dirty deeds need done. Rick is trapped in a life of constant manipulation and torment. Imprisoned by his efficacy and determination to help bring about the NWO Interplanetary War. And he's fucking down for it. Cartel won't give up farmland for mining secret alien mega structures below the earth? Call Rick Paskins. Need to test prototype weather weaponry on foreign and domestic soil? Call Rick Paskins. You need to find Political Prisoners to sacrifice for alien experiments? Call Rick fuckin Paskins. Need to destroy evidence of Govt backed Opium farms in Nirmuz? Rick is your guy. Rick is in the Saturnist Cult Rituals with his EYES WIDE OPEN. Rick isn't scared of the evils of the world. Rick is the evil of the world. But somethings wrong with Rick... he's starting feel things... Could his life of servitude to corrupted public servants finally catching up with him? Find out this week, on THE FLOATER